Andrea Spalletti
Co-Director, executive producer, composer and cinematographer of "The Origins of Music", studied cinematography at the Italian Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, and dedicated most of his work to his own photographic and musical research. His previous documentary “When the Mangos Fall Down”, was selected at Documentary Film Festivals in Amsterdam, Berlin and Mexico City. His credits as cinematographer include the documentary “Fratelli d’Italia” (Dir. Claudio Giovannesi). He tragically passed away at the end of 2013, before completing this project.
Daniel B. Arvizu
Co-Director, editor, producer and cinematographer of "The Origins of Music", he also studied cinematography at the Italian Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia. His credits as cinematographer include the documentary “Made in Chinatown” (Dir. Sergio Basso), the feature “Pepe nel Latte” (Dir. Roberto Miali) and the short movie “Niendorf: The Damaged Piano”, with Michael Nyman (Dir. Valerio Rocco Orlando).
As a photographer and video-artist, his work has been exposed in several countries across the world. He recieved the Premio Fundación Arenas in Barcelona in 2010 and was selected for the “Italy in the World” pavilion of the 54th Biennale di Venezia in 2011.
Shenny A. Madrigal
Researcher, producer, scriptwriter and illustrator of "The Origins of Music". She has been responsible for the narrative content and the scientific direction of the interviews for this documentary. She holds a Masters Degree in Spanish Language by the Salamanca University. Author of the novel “A veces un Pájaro” (published in Spanish and Italian) and contributor to a number of publications across countries, with reviews, academic articles and critical essays. She has also been present in the LOOP video-art fair in Barcelona with her animated text-drawings.

Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
We are truly grateful to the Natural Histoy Museum of Barcelona, which through Dr. Javier Quesada and Mrs Gemma Redolad, made possible to gather footage of their splendid collection of animal skeletons.

Museu de la Música de Barcelona
Many thanks to the Music Museum of Barcelona for making their beautiful collection of musical instruments available for this project. We are sorry not to have the personal contacts of the persons who were kind enough to help us, and would be really happy to hear from you and properly aknowledge your credit.

Human Bodies the exhibition, Barcelona
Many thanks to the staff of Musealia, specifically to María Aguirre, Luis Ferreiro and Alex Strokan for their kindness in opening this extraordinary exhibition for this documentary.

Biblioteca de Catalunya
Our gratitude also goes to the Natiaonal Library of Catalonia in the persons of Núria Altarriba, Susanna Farrè and Jordi Miquel, for their availability and kindness in giving us access to portray a XIV Century Bible of inestimable value.

Palau de la Música Catalana
The Palau de la Música Catalana was built between 1905 and 1908 by the architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner as a home for the Orfeó Català, financed by popular subscription.
The Palau de la Música Catalana is an architectural jewel of Catalan Art Nouveau, the only concert venue in this style to be listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, which today represents an essential landmark in the cultural and social life of Catalonia. Moreover it represents a symbolic emotional heritage for a whole people who identify with its history.

DiBi Sound
Milan based sound recording and post-production studio DiBi Sound is a renowed team of professionals that can count dozens of movies and television products to their names. Their collaborations include such directors as Emma Dante, Michelangelo Frammartino, Marina Spada and many more.
Our special thanks go to Paolo Benvenuti, Diego Colombo and Stefano Breda.

Raúl Tomás Granizo
Raúl is a freelance wildlife filmmaker and nature photographer who's also a forestry engineer with a master degree in conservation biology. Founder of wildglimpses.com and responsible for a large amount of nature and landscape footage for this movie.

Peter Schneider
The underwater footage of this project is the work of professional underwater cameraman and PADI diving instructor Peter Schneider. Co-author of the movie" Sharks of Rangiroa, from Legend to Reality", he can count dozens of collaborations to his name.

Francesco Villa
Awarded documentarist and photographer Francesco Villa was one of the contributors to additional footage for "The Origins of Music". Among the notable credits to his name, we can mention his participation to the Ridley Scott's project "Life in a Day".

Claudio Cecconi
Another awarded contributor to additional footage for "The Origins of Music": editor, photographer and film-maker Claudio Cecconi. Among his numerous previous works it's particularly worth mentioning his first feature as director "Supra Natura".

Augusto Madrigal
More additional footage for "The Origins of Music" came from Augusto Madrigal, former ethnographic documentrist for the National Anthropology Museum of Mexico City.

Device is an audiovisual design studio based in Barcelona. They are responsible for the 3D animations of the human brain and the animated skeletons for this documentary.